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The Pre-Primary section follows a "Learning through Play" approach and hence there is no formal testing. Children are assessed through observation. The observation sheets along with the evidence are discussed in the PTM. At the end of each term a report card is provided to parents which has descriptive indicators covering the following domains:

  • Physical Development
  • Cognitive and Language Development
  • Affective and Social Development
  • Aesthetic Development



The curriculum at the Primary grades (I-V) has well defined expected learning objectives for each subject. Each of these learning objectives is clearly formulated with corresponding ‘evidences of learning’. At the end of each learning cycle, children are given creative tasks and questions that provide opportunity to the students to demonstrate their learning and apply them in a meaningful context (assessment of learning). Students reflect upon and monitor their progress to chart out further process and set their own targets (assessment as learning). Thus, assessment at BRGS is embedded in the teaching-learning process. The findings of the assessments are actively processed and used to modify and improve the teaching for the child (assessment for learning).

Procedurally, students are given assessment tasks at the end of each theme or unit in their curriculum. This is done to ensure that each child achieves the objectives intended in every theme or unit. At the end of the unit/theme, students are told to revise the topic before they are given the assessment. The process of assessment is transparent. The answer sheets of students are checked and discussed with them so that they can identify their errors and correct them. There are two assessments per term. The scores of each assessment are put together in the annual progress report and shared with the parents.

If a student misses out the assessment due to medical reasons, then, based on the previous performance, the student will be promoted to the next class as per the school promotion policy.


For grades VI-VIII, the report cards will specify-the terms, periodic test, notebook, subject enrichment and half yearly/yearly marks scored in each subject and the corresponding grades. It would also include coscholastic assessment, in which students will be graded on a 3-point scale.

The first term exam for grade VI and above will be based on the syllabus covered until then. For the final term exam, the syllabus would cover a portion of Term 1 as indicated for each class below:

Class VI - 10%

Class VII - 20%

Class VIII - 30%

For grades IX & XI there are two terms in the academic year. The annual report card will comprise of marks attained in the periodic test, notebook, subject enrichment and annual examination. The co-scholastic grading will be on a five-point grading scale.

Promotion to the next class will be awarded only if the student scores a minimum of 40% in each subject.

Students participating in sports activities at the CBSE/State/National level will be promoted to the next class if they score a minimum of 33% in each subject. A retest will be provided to students who represent the school in inter - school competitions held during the examinations.

Assessment System for Class IX - XII


TERM-1 (Marks)

TERM-2 (Marks)



Periodic Test I - 40
Half Yearly - 80

Periodic Test II - 40
Annual Exam - 80

Term I- 50%
Term II- 50%


Periodic Test I - 40
Half Yearly - 80

Periodic Test II - 40
Pre- Board Exam - 80

Board Exams


Periodic Test I - 50
Half Yearly - 80

Periodic Test II - 50
Annual Exam - 80

Term I- 50%
Term II- 50%


Periodic Test I - 50
Half Yearly - 80

Periodic Test II - 50
Pre- Board Exam - 80

Board Exams

For Promotion to Class XII

Minimum D2 grade in aggregate as well as in individual subjects separately for both theory & practical is compulsory for promotion.

Improvement Exam:

For students who have secured ‘E’ grade in one subject only, an improvement exam shall be conducted only once and it would be mandatory for the student to secure minimum D2 grade in the subject (theory) for promotion.

Detention in Class XI:

A student will be detained in class XI if he has secured

‘E’ Grade in 2 or more subjects.

‘E’ Grade in the improvement Exam.

‘E’ Grade in aggregate.

Grading System

Grades are awarded as per the following grading scale:

Grading Scale for Scholastic Areas                                                                                       Grading Scale for Co-Scholastic Areas

                XI-XII                                                                                                                                      XI-XII                                         

90 & above A1
85-89.9 A2
80-84.9 B1
75-79.9 B2
70-74.9 C1
60-69.9 C2
50-59.9 D1
40-49.9 D2
Below 40 E
Excellent A
Very Good B
Good C